Make your proposal work for you.

Start winning more contracts by providing more comprehensive estimates. Try the robust and easy-to-use tool and get amazing results.

What is SCOPO?

SCOPO is an efficient, convenient, and robust tool for preparing proposals. Its main goals are to optimize the estimation process and increase your proposal win rate. SCOPO incorporates the most in-demand features to help you create better proposals more efficiently than you can with Excel or other programs.

Substantial growth requires professional tools.

Increase your chance of winning contracts by 35%.

SCOPO’s UX design, based on our experience and that of 50+ clients, provides you with a more convenient way to estimate project costs, with well-designed data visualization.

Both parties can update data in real time during the negotiation process. This gives you speed, transparency and an advantage over competitors to win contracts.

Decrease the time to prepare proposals by three times.

SCOPO has a set of templates for different roles to let you speed up the work on proposals. No need for extra design.

SCOPO transforms your data into a presentation with efficient UX design, allowing the delivery manager to present a complete proposal quickly.

What is Scopo

SCOPO is an efficient, convenient, and robust tool for preparing proposals. Its main goals are to optimize the estimation process and increase your proposal win rate. SCOPO incorporates the most in-demand features to help you create better proposals more efficiently than you can with Excel or other programs.

Ready to give it a go?

Decrease estimate preparation time and win your best contract

not working

Estimates with timeline

Craft precise project timelines to enhance proposals for potential clients. Our intuitive tool automates timeline generation, customizable to fit your project's unique needs. With drag-and-drop simplicity, manage tasks, resources, and dependencies seamlessly.

Ensure on-time project delivery and exceed client expectations. Experience streamlined planning and estimation with Timeline Builder.

Online page with custom branding

Elevate your estimates with our Custom Branding feature. Seamlessly integrate your company's identity into every proposal by adding your logo, selecting brand-specific color palettes, and customizing text to align with your brand voice. With this feature, create branded estimates that leave a lasting impression on clients. Stand out from the competition and reinforce your brand identity with Custom Branding.

Faster estimate with the power of AI

Experience accelerated efficiency in your estimating process. Our AI functionality streamlines workflows by automating repetitive tasks, saving you valuable time and effort. Enjoy faster turnaround times and increased productivity as you leverage the benefits of AI-powered estimation.

See what clients do with your estimate

Gain valuable insights into potential client interactions with our Client Behavior Analytics feature. Track metrics such as when estimates are opened and how they are engaged with, empowering you to make data-driven decisions. Understand client preferences and behaviors to tailor your approach effectively, ultimately increasing your chances of successful engagements. Unlock the power of analytics to optimize your client interactions and drive business growth.

The right plan for your business

We have several powerful plans to showcase your business and get discovered as creative entrepreneurs. Everything you need.

4 users
5 active estimates
Estimate timelines
AI Assistant
Custom branding
Tracking customer behavior
16 users
20 active estimates
Estimate timelines
AI Assistant
Custom branding
Tracking customer behavior
25 users
30 active estimates
Estimate timelines
AI Assistant
Custom branding
Tracking customer behavior
25+ users
30+ active estimates
Estimate timelines
AI Assistant
Custom branding
Tracking customer behavior

Still not convinced?

Contact one of our experts, who will answer all your questions.